
Chanda Biswas

The Author

Chanda Biswas was born in Ranaghat, a town in the Nadia district. She completed her graduation from Ranaghat College and earned a master’s degree in Bengali literature from the University of Calcutta.

For more than fifteen years, she has been making a mark in Bengali literature. Her stories, novels, essays, and travelogues have been published in well-known magazines and newspapers like Desh, Sananda, Anandamela, Unish Kuri, Kishore Bharati, Sandesh, Shuktara, Naba Kallol, Anandabazar Patrika, Kathasahitya Patrika, Dainik Bartaman, and Saptahik Bartaman. Her works have also appeared in many web magazines, as well as in Kali O Kolom and Shobdoghar, two monthly magazines published from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Her published books include Incarnation, Bristibelar Golpo, Kuasha Jatok, Debigarh-er Bagdebi Rahasya, Agent Garb O Nekre Dera, and Char Godhulir Upakhyan.

Books By The Author


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