Kamalkumar Majumder
Serious Non-Fiction

Literature, cinema, painting, sculpture, theater; Kamalkumar Majumder had shown his prowess in each of the fields of arts. It is simply impossible to introduce Kamalkumar with a simple adjective. Throughout his life, Kamalkumar broke all the archaic conception of bengali arts and culture. He kept on experimenting and catering the readers with works of literature of a different taste. These two books peeps into the life, literature and art of Kamalkumr Majumder to help the readers get acquainted with this literary enigma. These books disects his perception towards life and literature to find out how he amalgamated the traditions with new age ideologies in his works, music, folk art and culture as well as a teacher and social worker.
Kamal kumar Mazumder : Jeeban O Sahitya 1st Part Coming Soon
Author : Hiranmoy Gangopadhyay