
Achintya Biswas

11th November, 1955
Profession : Retired Professor

The Author

Achintya Biswas, a pioneer in Bengali folk culture studies, is a professor at Jadavpur University and a skilled organizer, having directed numerous national and international conferences. A researcher on folk culture and indigenous traditions, he is highly regarded for his contributions. His acclaimed book Shreekrishna-Kirtan Kavyakatha delves into manuscript-based editing and discussions of Shreekrishna Kirtan. He has also authored notable novels like Madhyajamer Alo, Alor Pakhi, and Bipralabdha, along with poetry collections such as Nirbachita Kabita and Kshama Karo Gramdesh, which have gained reader appreciation. A distinguished essayist, he specializes in folk literature as well as ancient and medieval literary traditions.

Books By The Author

Bichoron Rekha

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