The Author
Banibrata Chakraborty was born on 3rd September 1947, a momentous year for the country. His father, Priti Kumar Chakraborty belonged to a prestigious aristocratic family of Badur Bagan Kolkata. Even though the author spent his childhood days in his mother Ilarani Chakraborty’s paternal home in Cuttack, his family’s aristocratic traditions left a significant impression on him. Probably for that reason, he has penned down tales of aristocratic Bengali families over and over. The rationale is one of the main features that one can identify in each work of Banibrata. His works are an amazing amalgamation of scientific knowledge, poetic sense, social awareness, and rationale. Over time, his works became so popular that it has crossed the language barriers. A significant number of his works have been translated to Odiya, Hindi, and English languages. Amar Ja Ache, Ranir Kache Panja, Amra Bodle Jai, Bohubrihi, Jotodin Aakash Thakbe, Bitoto Bitongso, Oporup Sobuj Alo, etc. are names of some of his commendable works. Recipient of numerous accolades, Banibrata’s only hobby is buying and reading new and old books.
Books By The Author