Kobitar Bhashya Onno Path

Kobitar Bhashya Onno Path (কবিতার ভাষ‍্য : অন‍্য পাঠ)

144 Pages
Kobitar Bhashya Onno Path
Genre : Poetry Criticism Non-Fiction
Release Date: 01/01/2019
Price :
Last Edition : 1st January 2019
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Politics and Poetry… Even though these two worlds seem to stand miles apart, the reflection of politics have created ripple effects in the writings of Bengali poets.  While most people try to find the literary beauty of the poetry, Poet Arnab Saha has tried to analyse the works of the poets like Debdas Acharya, Shaileshwar Ghosh, Bhaskar Chakroborty etc. He tried to understand the hungry revolution through the creations of the poets of that generation. Arnab tried to decipher how the language of poetry could throw mighty challenges to the language of power. He tried to find how the language of poetry can penetrate the tabooed subjects like sexuality and give it a narrative subversion. All in all, this book offers a different view to the renowned works of the poets that it creates a spell binding effect.

Arnab Saha

As a professor, Arnab Saha has been researching on the topic of the secual discourse of Bengalis for a long time from Jadavpur University. Born on 30th July, 1975, in Kolkata, this quadragenarian author has been associated with many small and renowned magazines

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