
Publish With Us


LF Books India is committed to providing a strong platform for talented writers in the genres of
crime, thriller, detective, horror, sci-fi, adventure, romance, comics, various types of fiction, short
stories, serious non-fiction, translation, edited literary works, children’s and teen literature. While
we do not publish general poetry, we accept children’s rhymes.

Submission Categories

  1. Books (Print & Digital) – Fiction and Non-Fiction (including translations)
  2. Annual Collections & Magazines – Suspense Barshiki and Shihoron (for suspense, crime and
    thriller content)
  3. Online Publishing – RahasyaRomancho.com (for digital releases of investigative, thriller and
    infotainment content and all type of Fiction/Non-Fiction, No word limitation bar)

Submission Guidelines

Book Proposal Submission
Before sending your full manuscript, submit a Book Proposal via email to
lfbookseditorial@gmail.com with the subject line:
“Book Proposal – Fiction/Non-Fiction”
Your proposal should include
Synopsis of the book (detailed overview)
Sample Chapters (for novels/non-fiction: 2 chapters; for short story collections: 4 stories)
Author Information (detailed bio, interests, previous works, and recent photograph)
Estimated Word Count of the complete manuscript.

  1. LF Books will respond within seven to fifteen days regarding the acceptance of your proposal.
  2. If you do not receive a response within this period, consider it rejected.
  3. Word Count Requirements
  4. Fiction: Minimum 27,000 words
  5. Non-Fiction: Minimum 35,000 words

Manuscript Submission

Once your proposal is approved, send your complete manuscript by July 31st via email in MS
Word format (Unicode type setting) and PDF format.
Languages Accepted
Bengali (original or translated)
English (original or translated)

Submission Format

Only digital submissions (No hard copies, scanned images, or handwritten manuscripts)
Must be original, unpublished, and free from plagiarism
Should not be inspired by popular movies or foreign stories

For Translations

The original author’s death year must be at least 50 years prior to submission.
The original author’s name and book title must be included.

Genre Categories

Fiction (Original & Translated)
Mystery & Adventure (for children and young adults)
Detective & Thriller
Supernatural & Horror
Science Fiction

Sports Fiction
Historical & Mythological Fiction 

Romantic Fiction 

Humorous Stories 

Mature Literature 

Short Story Collections 

Non-Fiction (Original & Translated)
Biographies & Memoirs
Research-Based Works
Health & Environment
Cinema & Theatre
Science & Technology
Fashion & Cultural Studies

Edited books and anthologies must focus on a specific subject.

Review & Selection Process
All submitted manuscripts undergo a strict In-House Selection Process (ISP) by a five-member
editorial team.

The selection process takes 9 to 12 months. Writers will be informed of the final decision only
after this period.
For non-fiction books, manuscripts may be reviewed by subject experts for validation before
final selection.

Important Notes:

No personal recommendations, lobbying or calls regarding selection will be entertained.
Only the editorial team’s decision will determine selection.
Selected manuscripts cannot be withdrawn after confirmation.

Compensation & Publishing Terms
Honorarium: Only for unpublished, original works accepted for both print and digital publishing.
Royalty & Agreement: Authors of selected books will receive a formal contract covering royalty
and complimentary copies.
Marketing & Publishing Costs: Fully covered by LF Books India.

Inquiry & Contact
All inquiries should be sent via email only to lfbookseditorial@gmail.com
No phone calls will be entertained regarding manuscript selection.
Announcements for the Kolkata Book Fair publications are released every February.

For Suspense Barshiki and Shihoron, submissions are accepted until December 31st each year,
with the main call for submissions released in May.

LF Books India is dedicated to publishing high-quality literature while ensuring fairness and
transparency in the selection process. We welcome all talented writers, whether experienced or
new, as long as their work meets our creative and commercial publishing standards.

Thank you for choosing LF Books India!
LF Books India: Submission Guidelines for Writers (Effective from 01/04/2025)

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