
Suspense Barshiki 4

4th year 4th issue

11Th September 2024

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Suspense Barshiki 4

2024 Edition

৪র্থ বর্ষ সংখ্যা, ‘সাসপেন্স বার্ষিকী’ বুকফর্ম‍্যাটে। এখনকার জনপ্রিয় লেখক-লেখিকারা লিখেছেন এই সংখ‍্যায়।

প্রকাশকাল : ১১ সেপ্টেম্বর  , ২০২৪  

সাহায্যের জন্য যোগাযোগ করুন হ‍্যোয়াটসআপে ৯০৭৩৮৭২৮৭৮


Expected Release Date: 11/09/2024
Dimension: 7.5 x 9.8
Type: Hardbound Book
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Anindya Bhukta

Anindya Bhukta


It's Completely Detective-Mystery-Suspense Yearly Collection

Download Content of Suspense Barshiki 4

LF Books brings to you in this year 2024

Suspense Barshiki is an annual anthology of stories, articles, and novels that revolves around different genres of suspense stories. Stories that are connected with the eerie, the curious, the disturbed, and the violent incidents that take the readers to the fascinating world of suspense. Each of the stories published in our book offers a different kind of thrill than the others. By reading this annual publication you get to read suspense thrillers, horror thrillers, atmospheric thrillers, police procedural thrillers, science fiction thrillers, psychological thrillers… the list is quite inexhaustible. So, you never quite understand what to expect from the next story by judging the one that you have read, which in itself creates another kind of suspense. If you are a fan of intrigue and suspense, you will love the tense and exciting tales and articles with heart-stopping thrills and neck-snapping twists from some of the eminent Bengali writers of this generation.

Price: 499/-

Hardbound Book

Editor: Anindya Bhukta

Pages 432

For PreBooking Suspense Barshiki 2024, Use Coupon Code valid 5th September Suspense30 for 30% Discount

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